Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Yesterday and the day before, we did nothing but sit in our apartment and write funding applications. This wasn't too exciting and didn't yield any nice photos, but it did produce a total of four grant applications between us, and a much-longed-for conclusion to the grant application season for me. Conveniently, celebratory sparkling wine is available for less than 2€.

We also hiked UP the hill to Montmartre, which is one arrondissment over from our apartment, and went to church, went to the store. But I didn't photograph any of that either. So here are a few photos from our earlier adventures.

Hobbit door and tiny, tiny elevator in our apartment:

More from Sainte Chapelle. First, heaven (i.e., the space from which God or angels appear) is often represented in medieval illuminations as a series of wiggly lines, optionally rainbow-colored. There is probably a real art-historical term for this. I was excited to see a three-dimensional representation of this at the Sainte Chapelle. So I also photographed a painting that shows the two-dimensional version, even if it does probably owe more to Viollet-le-Duc than to actual medieval artists:

 And finally, here's one of the many Joan of Arc statues we've seen. Particularly touching was the plaque in Notre Dame de Paris explaining that her rehabilitation trial had been announced on that spot...

Today I survived my first trip to the Bibliothèque nationale! But that is a story for another day.


  1. So I see Abraham, Isaac, and the ram-in-a-thicket, but no wavy lines.

    1. Look at the angel staying Abraham's sword--he's sort of riding on/popping out of the rainbow-colored wavy lines I'm talking about. Here's another example, this one of an Ascension.
